A submarine’s world tour
Navy Museum, Den Helder (NL), 2016
An interactive commemorative window immortalises a unique but forgotten world tour meant to restore the honour of the Dutch Navy.
The Navy and scientists
With Delft University of Technology, the Navy Museum wanted to commemorate the voyage of the Dutch submarine K XVIII. The historic trip showcased the partnership between the Navy and scientists.
Publicity tour
The submarine K XVIII’s adventurous voyage of 1934–1935 was designed to restore the honour of the Dutch Navy. Professor Vening Meinesz and his innovative gravity measurements played a key role in the publicity tour. The Navy provided the submarine in support of his famous expedition in a bid to impress the people of the Netherlands, and it succeeded. The 23,000-mile sea voyage fascinated the population. Afterwards, a commemorative window was created to immortalise the adventure. It is unknown whether that window still exists.
Commemorative window
The museum developed a new, interactive commemorative window with students on the public history course at University of Amsterdam. Studio Louter helped to realise the window. Through short films, a map application, objects and graphic elements, it tells the heroic story of the K XVIII, its crew, the many detours, the scientific measurements, the craft’s enthusiastic sendoff in Den Helder and its arrival in Surabaya, Indonesia.
Navy MuseumContent Design
Students Public History UvA
Studio LouterSpatial Design
Todd van Hulzen DesignGraphic Design
Studio LouterInteractive Media Production
Studio LouterFilm Production
Mette MentingConstruction
Fiction FactoryHardware
Moetwil en van Dijk