Escher Meets Islamic Art
Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam (NL), 2013
An exhibition at the Tropenmuseum linked the art of MC Escher with Islamic art. Their respective worlds may be far apart, but their similarities are more striking than their differences.
Mathematical principles
An app let museumgoers create their own patterns and see them explained in terms of mathematical principles. They could share their designs on social media, potentially inspiring new artworks.
“Copy, calculate, draw”
de Volkskrant — 15 July 2013
Escher in the Palace
In 2018 the app was installed at the Escher museum in the Lange Voorhout Palace in The Hague.
TropenmuseumContent Design Interactive Exhibit
Studio LouterInteractive Media Production
Studio Louter
NRC — 23 July 2013
“De islamitische van M.C. Escher inspiratie”de Volkskrant — 15 July 2013
“Kopiëren, rekenen, tekenen”Trouw — 11 July 2013
“Hoe het Alhambra Escher inspireerde”Het Parool — 9 July 2013
“Islamitische kunst inspireerde Escher”de Volkskrant — 9 July 2013
“Islamitische kunst inspireerde Escher”