Help the curator
Zuiderzeemuseum, Enkhuizen (NL), 2006
“We might as well install a flat-screen TV!” Furnishing a house at an open-air museum in a historically faithful way is no easy task.
The Zaandijk house
Visitors help to decorate a century-old building that originally stood in the town of Zaandijk. An eccentric curator asks questions. Where should the sofa go? Play along, push the button, and be the best curator in the room. The installation is part of the permanent exhibition at the outdoor museum.
ZuiderzeemuseumContent Design
Studio LouterSpatial & Graphic Design
ZuiderzeemuseumInteractive Media Production
Louter vormgevingFilm Production
Studio Louter
Ben van der Meijden
Raymonde de KuyperAudio Production
Marcel WarnasHardware
Avond van de Opdrachtfilm 2007
Gouden ReigerNew York Festivals TV & Film Awards 2007